Source code for okcupyd.json_search

import logging

import simplejson
import six

from . import filter
from . import magicnumbers
from . import util
from .profile import Profile
from .session import Session

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

search_filters = filter.Filters(strict=False)

# The docstring below is extended automatically. Read it in its entirety at
# or by generating the documentation
# yourself.
[docs]def SearchFetchable(session=None, **kwargs): """Search with the given parameters. Parameters are registered to this function through :meth:`~okcupyd.filter.Filters.register_filter_builder` of :data:`~okcupyd.json_search.search_filters`. :returns: A :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` of :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` instances. :param session: A logged in session. :type session: :class:`~okcupyd.session.Session` """ session = session or Session.login() return util.Fetchable( SearchManager( SearchJSONFetcher(session, **kwargs), ProfileBuilder(session) ) )
[docs]class SearchManager(object): def __init__(self, search_fetchable, profile_builder): self._search_fetchable = search_fetchable self._profile_builder = profile_builder self._last_after = None
[docs] def fetch(self, count=18): last_last_after = object() while last_last_after != self._last_after: last_last_after = self._last_after for profile in self.fetch_once(count=count): yield profile
[docs] def fetch_once(self, count=18): response = self._search_fetchable.fetch( after=self._last_after, count=count ) try: self._last_after = response['paging']['cursors']['after'] except KeyError: log.warning(simplejson.dumps( { 'msg': "unable to get after cursor from response", 'response': response } )) for profile in self._profile_builder(response): yield profile
[docs]class SearchJSONFetcher(object): search_uri = '1/apitun/match/search' default_headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } def __init__(self, session=None, **options): self._session = session or Session.login() self._options = options self._parameters =, **options) def _get_headers(self): headers = { "authorization": "Bearer {}".format(self._session.access_token) } headers.update(self.default_headers) return headers def _request_params(self, after=None, count=None): return { 'headers': self._get_headers(), 'data': simplejson.dumps(self._post_body(after, count)), 'path': self.search_uri, } def _post_body(self, after=None, count=None): search_parameters = { 'after': after, 'limit': count, 'fields': "userinfo,thumbs,percentages,likes,last_contacts,online", } search_parameters.update(self._parameters) return search_parameters
[docs] def fetch(self, after=None, count=18): request_parameters = self._request_params(after=after, count=count) response = self._session.okc_post(**request_parameters) try: search_json = response.json() except: log.warning(simplejson.dumps({'failure': response.content})) raise return search_json
[docs]class ProfileBuilder(object): def __init__(self, session): self._session = session def __call__(self, response_dictionary): try: profile_infos = response_dictionary['data'] except KeyError: log.warning(simplejson.dumps( { 'msg': "unable to get data from response", 'response': response_dictionary } )) else: for profile_info in profile_infos: yield Profile(self._session, profile_info["username"])
[docs]class GentationFilter(search_filters.filter_class):
[docs] def transform(gentation): if isinstance(gentation, six.string_types): gentations = [gentation] else: gentations = gentation return [ magicnumbers.gentation_to_number.get( a_gentation.strip().lower(), gentation ) for a_gentation in gentations ]
descriptions = "A list of the allowable gentations of returned search results." types = list acceptable_values = magicnumbers.gentation_to_number.keys()
[docs]class MinimumAgeFilter(search_filters.filter_class): keys = 'minimum_age' descriptions = "Filter profiles with ages above the provided value." types = int
[docs]class MaximumAgeFilter(search_filters.filter_class): keys = 'maximum_age' descriptions = "Filter profiles with ages below the provided value." types = int
[docs]class RadiusFilter(search_filters.filter_class): output_key = "radius" descriptions = "The maximum distance (in miles) from the specified location of returned search results." types = "int or None"
[docs] def transform(radius): return radius
[docs]class LocationActivationFilter(search_filters.filter_class): output_key = "located_anywhere" types = (int, type(None))
[docs] def transform(radius): return 1 if radius is None else 0
[docs]class LocIdFilter(search_filters.filter_class): types = int
[docs] def transform(locid): return locid
[docs]class LocationFilter(search_filters.filter_class): output_key = "locid" descriptions = ( "A query that will be used to look up a locid for the search, location_cache must also be passed in in order for this parameter to work. :class:`~okcupyd.user.User` automatically passes the location_cache in.", "A :class:`~okcupyd.location.LocationQueryCache` instance." ) # TODO: # Requiring location_cache here is a weird type of dependency # injection. A better solution is probably needed long term
[docs] def transform(location, location_cache): return location_cache.get_locid(location)
[docs]class OrderByFilter(search_filters.filter_class):
[docs] def transform(order_by): return order_by or "SPECIAL_BLEND"