Source code for okcupyd.looking_for

import collections
import functools
import logging
import re

import simplejson

from . import magicnumbers
from . import util
from . import filter
from .xpath import xpb

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

looking_for_filters = filter.Filters()
def status_filter(status):
    return '7,{0}'.format(int(status))

[docs]class LookingFor(object): """Represent the looking for attributes belonging to an profile. """ _ages_re = re.compile(u'\s*Ages ([0-9]{1,3})\u2013([0-9]{1,3})\s*') _ages_re2 = re.compile(u'\s*Age ([0-9]{1,3})') _looking_for_xpb = xpb.div.with_classes('text', 'what_i_want') def __init__(self, profile): self._profile = profile @util.cached_property def raw_fields(self): li_elements = self._profile.profile_tree ) return {li.attrib['id'].split('_')[1]: li.text_content() for li in li_elements} def update_property(function): @property @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(self): return function(self) @wrapped.setter def wrapped_setter(self, value): self.update(**{function.__name__: value}) return wrapped_setter @update_property def gentation(self): """The sex/orientation that the user is looking for.""" return self.raw_fields.get('gentation').lower().strip() @update_property def ages(self): """The age range that the user is interested in.""" match = self._ages_re.match(self.raw_fields.get('ages')) if not match: match = self._ages_re2.match(self.raw_fields.get('ages')) return self.Ages(int(,int( return self.Ages(int(, int( @update_property def single(self): """Whether or not the user is only interested in people that are single. """ return 'display: none;' not in'ajax_single').\ one_(self._profile.profile_tree).attrib['style'] @update_property def near_me(self): """Whether the user is only interested in people that are close to them. """ return 'near' in self.raw_fields.get('near', '').lower().strip() @update_property def kinds(self): """The kinds of relationship tha the user is looking for.""" return self.raw_fields.get('lookingfor', '').\ replace('For', '').strip().split(', ')
[docs] def update(self, ages=None, single=None, near_me=None, kinds=None, gentation=None): """Update the looking for attributes of the logged in user. :param ages: The ages that the logged in user is interested in. :type ages: tuple :param single: Whether or not the user is only interested in people that are single. :type single: bool :param near_me: Whether or not the user is only interested in people that are near them. :type near_me: bool :param kinds: What kinds of relationships the user should be updated to be interested in. :type kinds: list :param gentation: The sex/orientation of people the user is interested in. :type gentation: str """ ages = ages or self.ages single = single if single is not None else self.single near_me = near_me if near_me is not None else self.near_me kinds = kinds or self.kinds gentation = gentation or self.gentation data = { 'okc_api': '1', 'searchprefs.submit': '1', 'update_prefs': '1', 'lquery': '', 'locid': '0', 'filter5': '1, 1' # TODO(@IvanMalison) Do this better... } if kinds: kinds_numbers = self._build_kinds_numbers(kinds) if kinds_numbers: data['lookingfor'] = kinds_numbers age_min, age_max = ages data.update(looking_for_filters.legacy_build( status=single, gentation=gentation, radius=25 if near_me else 0, age_min=age_min, age_max=age_max )){'looking_for_update': data})) util.cached_property.bust_caches(self) response = self._profile.authcode_post('profileedit2', data=data) self._profile.refresh(reload=False) return response.content
@staticmethod def _build_kinds_numbers(looking_for_items): looking_for_numbers = [] if not isinstance(looking_for_items, collections.Iterable): looking_for_numbers = (looking_for_items,) for item in looking_for_items: for matcher, number in magicnumbers.looking_for_re_numbers: if is not None: looking_for_numbers.append(number) return looking_for_numbers del update_property Ages = collections.namedtuple('Ages', ('min', 'max'))