Source code for okcupyd.profile_copy

import logging
import time

from .profile import Profile
from .question import Questions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Copy(object): """Copy photos, essays and other attributes from one profile to another.""" copy_methods = ['photos', 'essays', 'looking_for', 'details', 'questions']
[docs] def __init__(self, source_profile_or_user, dest_user): """ :param source_profile_or_user: A :class:`~okcupyd.user.User` or :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` object from which to copy attributes. :meth:`~.Copy.questions` will not will not preserve the importance of copied questions if a :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` instance is provided. :param dest_user: A :class:`~okcupyd.user.User` to which data will be copied """ if isinstance(source_profile_or_user, Profile): self.source_profile = source_profile_or_user self.source_user = None else: self.source_user = source_profile_or_user self.source_profile = self.source_user.profile self.dest_user = dest_user
[docs] def questions(self): """Copy questions to the destination user. When this class was initialized with a :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile`, this will delete any existing questions answers on the destination account. """ if self.source_user: return self._copy_questions_from_user() else: return self._copy_questions_from_profile()
def _copy_questions_from_user(self): dest_questions = self.dest_user.questions for key, importance in Questions.importance_name_to_number.items(): questions = getattr(self.source_user.questions, key) for question in questions: log.debug( dest_questions.respond_from_user_question( question, importance ).content ) def _copy_questions_from_profile(self): # Answer all of the questions that the source user has answered. # So that we can see their answers for question in self.source_profile.questions: log.debug(u'Answering {0}: {1} to see {2}\'s answer'.format(, question.text, self.source_profile.username )) if not question.answered: self.dest_user.questions.respond(, [1], [1], 3) # Load all of their questions. We use a new question fetchable because # the one that lives on the profile has been accessed and has cached # data. source_questions = self.source_profile.question_fetchable()[:] log.debug(u'Copying {0} questions from {1} to {2}'.format( len(source_questions), self.source_profile.username, self.dest_user.username )) id_to_user_question = { question for question in self.dest_user.profile.questions} self.dest_user.questions.clear() while True: log.debug(u'Sleeping to wait for questions to clear') time.sleep(5) try: question = self.dest_user.profile.question_fetchable()[0] except IndexError: break else: log.debug(u'Destination user still has question {0}'.format( question.text )) for question in source_questions: try: user_question = id_to_user_question[] except KeyError: log.debug(u'No user question found for {0}: {1}'.format(, question.text )) else: log.debug(u'Answering {0}: {1}'.format(, question.text )) self.dest_user.questions.respond_from_question(question, user_question, 3)
[docs] def photos(self): """Copy photos to the destination user.""" # Reverse because pictures appear in inverse chronological order. for photo_info in self.dest_user.profile.photo_infos: return [ for info in reversed(self.source_profile.photo_infos)]
[docs] def essays(self): """Copy essays from the source profile to the destination profile.""" for essay_name in self.dest_user.profile.essays.essay_names: setattr(self.dest_user.profile.essays, essay_name, getattr(self.source_profile.essays, essay_name))
[docs] def looking_for(self): """Copy looking for attributes from the source profile to the destination profile. """ looking_for = self.source_profile.looking_for return self.dest_user.profile.looking_for.update( gentation=looking_for.gentation, single=looking_for.single, near_me=looking_for.near_me, kinds=looking_for.kinds, ages=looking_for.ages )
[docs] def details(self): """Copy details from the source profile to the destination profile.""" return self.dest_user.profile.details.convert_and_update( self.source_profile.details.as_dict )
[docs] def all(self): """Invoke all of :meth:`~.Copy.questions`, :meth:`~.Copy.details`, :meth:`~.Copy.essays`, :meth:``, :meth:`~.Copy.looking_for` """ for method_name in self.copy_methods: getattr(self, method_name)()