Source code for okcupyd.question

import functools
import logging

from . import util
from .xpath import xpb

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseQuestion(object): """The abstract base class of :class:`~.Question` and :class:`~.UserQuestion`. Contains all the shared functionality of the aforementined classes. The two are quite different in some ways and can not always be used interchangably. See their respective docstrings for more details. """ def __init__(self, question_element): self._question_element = question_element @property def answered(self): return 'not_answered' not in self._question_element.attrib['class'] @util.cached_property def id(self): """ :returns: The integer id given to this question by """ return int(self._question_element.attrib['data-qid']) _text_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('qtext').p @util.cached_property def text(self): return self._text_xpb.get_text_(self._question_element).strip() def __repr__(self): return u'<{1}: {0}>'.format(self.text, type(self).__name__)
[docs]class Question(BaseQuestion): """Represent a question answered by a user other than the logged in user. Note: Because of the way that okcupid presents question data it is actually not very easy to get the index of the answer to a question that belongs to a user other than the logged in user. It is possible to retrieve this value (see :meth:`okcupyd.user.User.get_question_answer_id` and :meth:`~.UserQuestion.get_answer_id_for_question`), but it can take quite a few requests to do so. For this reason, the answer_id is NOT included as an attribute on this object, despite its inclusion in :class:`~.UserQuestion`. """ def return_none_if_unanswered(function): @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(self): if self.answered: return function(self) return wrapped _answers_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('answers').\ p.with_class('answer') def __init__(self, question_element): super(Question, self).__init__(question_element) try: self._their_answer_span, self._my_answer_span = ( self._answers_xpb.span.with_class('text').apply_( self._question_element ) ) self._their_note_span, self._my_note_span = ( self._answers_xpb.span.with_class('note').apply_( self._question_element ) ) except: pass @util.cached_property @return_none_if_unanswered def their_answer(self): """The answer that the user whose :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` this question was retrieved from provided to this :class:`~okcupyd.question.Question`. """ return self._their_answer_span.text_content().strip() @util.cached_property @return_none_if_unanswered def my_answer(self): """The answer that the user whose :class:`~okcupyd.session.Session` was used to create this :class:`~okcupyd.question.Question` provided. """ return self._my_answer_span.text_content().strip() @util.cached_property @return_none_if_unanswered def their_answer_matches(self): """ :returns: whether or not the answer provided by the user answering the question is acceptable to the logged in user. :rtype: rbool """ return 'not_accepted' not in self._their_answer_span.attrib['class'] @util.cached_property @return_none_if_unanswered def my_answer_matches(self): """ :returns: bool indicating whether or not the answer provided by the logged in user is acceptable to the user answering the question. """ return 'not_accepted' not in self._my_answer_span.attrib['class'] @util.cached_property @return_none_if_unanswered def their_note(self): """ :returns: The note the answering user provided as explanation for their answer to this question. """ return self._their_note_span.text_content().strip() @util.cached_property @return_none_if_unanswered def my_note(self): """ :returns: The note the logged in user provided as an explanation for their answer to this question. """ return self._my_note_span.text_content().strip() _explanation_xpb = xpb.div.span.with_class('note') del return_none_if_unanswered
[docs]class UserQuestion(BaseQuestion): """Represent a question answered by the logged in user.""" _answer_option_xpb = xpb.ul.with_class('self_answers').li _explanation_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('your_explanation').\ p.with_class('value')
[docs] def get_answer_id_for_question(self, question): """Get the answer_id corresponding to the answer given for question by looking at this :class:`~.UserQuestion`'s answer_options. The given :class:`~.Question` instance must have the same id as this :class:`~.UserQuestion`. That this method exists is admittedly somewhat weird. Unfortunately, it seems to be the only way to retrieve this information. """ assert == for answer_option in self.answer_options: if answer_option.text == question.their_answer: return
@util.cached_property def answer_id(self): for answer_option in self.answer_options: if answer_option.is_users: return @util.cached_property def answer_options(self): """ :returns: A list of :class:`~.AnswerOption` instances representing the available answers to this question. """ return [ AnswerOption(element) for element in self._answer_option_xpb.apply_( self._question_element ) ] @util.cached_property def explanation(self): """ :returns: The explanation written by the logged in user for this question (if any). """ try: return self._explanation_xpb.get_text_(self._question_element) except: pass @util.cached_property def answer_text_to_option(self): return {option.text: option for option in self.answer_options} @util.cached_property def answer(self): """ :returns: A :class:`~.AnswerOption` instance corresponding to the answer the user gave to this question. """ for answer_option in self.answer_options: if answer_option.is_users: return answer_option
[docs]class AnswerOption(object): def __init__(self, option_element): self._element = option_element @util.cached_property def is_users(self): """ :returns: Whether or not this was the answer selected by the logged in user. """ return 'mine' in self._element.attrib['class'] @util.cached_property def is_match(self): """ :returns: Whether or not this was the answer is acceptable to the logged in user. """ return 'match' in self._element.attrib['class'] @util.cached_property def text(self): """ :returns: The text of this answer. """ return self._element.text_content().strip() @util.cached_property def id(self): """ :returns: The integer index associated with this answer. """ return int(self._element.attrib['id'].split('_')[-1]) def __repr__(self): return '<{0}: "{1}" (is_users={2}, is_match={3})>'.format( type(self).__name__, self.text, self.is_users, self.is_match )
importances = ('not_important', 'little_important', 'somewhat_important', 'very_important', 'mandatory')
[docs]class Questions(object): """Interface to accessing and answering questions belonging to the logged in user.""" headers = { 'accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate', 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8', 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', 'origin': '', 'referer': '', 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', } #: Human readable importance name to integer used to represent them on #: importance_name_to_number = { 'mandatory': 0, 'very_important': 1, 'somewhat_important': 3, 'little_important': 4, 'not_important': 5 } path = 'questions/ask' def __init__(self, session, importances=importances, user_id=None): self.importance_name_to_fetchable = {} for importance in importances: fetchable = util.Fetchable.fetch_marshall( QuestionHTMLFetcher(session, 'questions', **{importance: 1}), QuestionProcessor(UserQuestion) ) self.importance_name_to_fetchable[importance] = fetchable setattr(self, importance, fetchable) self._session = session if user_id: self._user_id = user_id @util.cached_property def _user_id(self): return self._session.get_current_user_profile().id
[docs] def respond_from_user_question(self, user_question, importance): """Respond to a question in exactly the way that is described by the given user_question. :param user_question: The user question to respond with. :type user_question: :class:`.UserQuestion` :param importance: The importance that should be used in responding to the question. :type importance: int see :attr:`.importance_name_to_number` """ user_response_ids = [ for option in user_question.answer_options if option.is_users] match_response_ids = [ for option in user_question.answer_options if option.is_match] if len(match_response_ids) == len(user_question.answer_options): match_response_ids = 'irrelevant' return self.respond(, user_response_ids, match_response_ids, importance, note=user_question.explanation or '')
[docs] def respond_from_question(self, question, user_question, importance): """Copy the answer given in `question` to the logged in user's profile. :param question: A :class:`~.Question` instance to copy. :param user_question: An instance of :class:`~.UserQuestion` that corresponds to the same question as `question`. This is needed to retrieve the answer id from the question text answer on question. :param importance: The importance to assign to the response to the answered question. """ option_index = user_question.answer_text_to_option[ question.their_answer ].id self.respond(, [option_index], [option_index], importance)
[docs] def respond(self, question_id, user_response_ids, match_response_ids, importance, note='', is_public=1, is_new=1): """Respond to an question. :param question_id: The okcupid id used to identify this question. :param user_response_ids: The answer id(s) to provide to this question. :param match_response_ids: The answer id(s) that the user considers acceptable. :param importance: The importance to attribute to this question. See :attr:`.importance_name_to_number` for details. :param note: The explanation note to add to this question. :param is_public: Whether or not the question answer should be made public. """ form_data = { 'ajax': 1, 'submit': 1, 'answer_question': 1, 'skip': 0, 'show_all': 0, 'targetid': self._user_id, 'qid': question_id, 'answers': user_response_ids, 'matchanswers': match_response_ids, 'is_new': is_new, 'is_public': is_public, 'note': note, 'importance': importance, 'delete_note': 0 } return self._session.okc_post( self.path, data=form_data, headers=self.headers )
[docs] def clear(self): """USE WITH CAUTION. Delete the answer to every question that the logged in user has responded to. """ return self._session.okc_post( 'questions', data={'clear_all': 1}, headers=self.headers )
_page_data_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('pages_data') _current_page_xpb = _page_data_xpb.input(id='questions_pages_page').\ select_attribute_('value') _total_page_xpb = _page_data_xpb.input(id='questions_pages_total').\ select_attribute_('value') _question_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('question')
[docs]def QuestionProcessor(question_class): return util.PaginationProcessor(question_class, _question_xpb, _current_page_xpb, _total_page_xpb)
[docs]class QuestionHTMLFetcher(object): @classmethod
[docs] def from_username(cls, session, username, **kwargs): return cls(session, u'profile/{0}/questions'.format(username), **kwargs)
def __init__(self, session, uri, **additional_parameters): self._session = session self._uri = uri self._additional_parameters = additional_parameters def _query_params(self, start_at): parameters = {'low': start_at, 'leanmode': 1} parameters.update(self._additional_parameters) return parameters
[docs] def fetch(self, start_at): response = self._session.okc_get(self._uri, params=self._query_params(start_at)) return response.content.decode('utf8', 'replace')
[docs]def QuestionFetcher(session, username, question_class=Question, is_user=False, **kwargs): if is_user: question_class = UserQuestion return util.FetchMarshall( QuestionHTMLFetcher.from_username(session, username, **kwargs), QuestionProcessor(question_class) )