Source code for okcupyd.user

import time
import logging

import six

from . import helpers
from . import util
from .attractiveness_finder import AttractivenessFinder
from .json_search import SearchFetchable, search
from .location import LocationQueryCache
from .messaging import ThreadFetcher, MessageThread
from .photo import PhotoUploader
from .profile import Profile
from .profile_copy import Copy
from .question import Questions
from .session import Session
from .xpath import xpb

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class User(object): """Encapsulate a logged in okcupid user.""" @classmethod
[docs] def from_credentials(cls, username, password): """ :param username: The username to log in with. :type username: str :param password: The password to log in with. :type password: str """ return cls(Session.login(username, password))
_visitors_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('user_info').\ div.with_class('profile_info').div.with_class('username').\ a.with_class('name').text_ _visitors_current_page_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('pages').\ span.with_class('curpage').text_ _visitors_total_page_xpb = xpb.div.with_class('pages').\ a.with_class('last').text_
[docs] def __init__(self, session=None): """ :param session: The session which will be used for interacting with If none is provided, one will be instantiated automatically with the credentials in :mod:`~okcupyd.settings` :type session: :class:`~okcupyd.session.Session` """ self._session = session or Session.login() self._message_sender = helpers.Messager(self._session) assert self._session.log_in_name is not None, ( "The session provided to the user constructor must be logged in." ) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` object belonging to the logged #: in user. self.profile = Profile(self._session, self._session.log_in_name) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` of #: :class:`~okcupyd.messaging.MessageThread` objects corresponding to #: messages that are currently in the user's inbox. self.inbox = util.Fetchable(ThreadFetcher(self._session, 1)) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` of #: :class:`~okcupyd.messaging.MessageThread` objects corresponding to #: messages that are currently in the user's outbox. self.outbox = util.Fetchable(ThreadFetcher(self._session, 2)) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` of #: :class:`~okcupyd.messaging.MessageThread` objects corresponding to #: messages that are currently in the user's drafts folder. self.drafts = util.Fetchable(ThreadFetcher(self._session, 4)) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` of #: :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` objects of users that #: have visited the user's profile. self.visitors = util.Fetchable.fetch_marshall( util.GETFetcher(self._session, 'visitors', lambda start_at: {'low': start_at}), util.PaginationProcessor( lambda user: Profile(self._session, user), self._visitors_xpb, self._visitors_current_page_xpb, self._visitors_total_page_xpb, ) ) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.question.Questions` object that is instantiated #: with the owning :class:`~.User` instance's session. self.questions = Questions(self._session) #: An :class:`~okcupyd.attractiveness_finder._AttractivenessFinder` #: object that is instantiated with the owning :class:`~.User` #: instance's session. self.attractiveness_finder = AttractivenessFinder(self._session) #: A :class:`` that is instantiated with #: the owning :class:`~.User` instance's session. = PhotoUploader(self._session) #: A :class:`~okcupyd.location.LocationQueryCache` instance self.location_cache = LocationQueryCache(self._session)
[docs] def get_profile(self, username): """Get the :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` associated with the supplied username. :param username: The username of the profile to retrieve. """ return self._session.get_profile(username)
@property def username(self): """Return the username associated with the :class:`.User`.""" return self.profile.username
[docs] def message(self, username, message_text): """Message an okcupid user. If an existing conversation between the logged in user and the target user can be found, reply to that thread instead of starting a new one. :param username: The username of the user to which the message should be sent. :type username: str :param message_text: The body of the message. :type message_text: str """ # Try to reply to an existing thread. if not isinstance(username, six.string_types): username = username.username for mailbox in (self.inbox, self.outbox): for thread in mailbox: if thread.correspondent.lower() == username.lower(): thread.reply(message_text) return return self._message_sender.send(username, message_text)
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): """Call :func:`~okcupyd.json_search.SearchFetchable` to get a :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` object that will lazily perform okcupid searches to provide :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` objects matching the search criteria. Defaults for `gender`, `gentation`, `location` and `radius` will be provided if none are given. :param kwargs: See the :func:`~okcupyd.json_search.SearchFetchable` docstring for details about what parameters are available. """ kwargs.setdefault('gender', self.profile.gender[0]) gentation = helpers.get_default_gentation(self.profile.gender, self.profile.orientation) kwargs.setdefault('gentation', gentation) kwargs.setdefault('location', self.profile.location) kwargs.setdefault('radius', 25) kwargs.setdefault('location_cache', self.location_cache) if 'count' in kwargs: count = kwargs.pop('count') return search(session=self._session, count=count, **kwargs) return SearchFetchable(self._session, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete_threads(self, thread_ids_or_threads): """Call :meth:`~okcupyd.messaging.MessageThread.delete_threads`. :param thread_ids_or_threads: A list whose members are either :class:`~.MessageThread` instances or okc_ids of message threads. """ return MessageThread.delete_threads(self._session, thread_ids_or_threads)
[docs] def get_user_question(self, question, fast=False, bust_questions_cache=False): """Get a :class:`~okcupyd.question.UserQuestion` corresponding to the given :class:`~okcupyd.question.Question`. HUGE CAVEATS: If the logged in user has not answered the relevant question, it will automatically be answered with whatever the first answer to the question is. For the sake of reducing the number of requests made when this function is called repeatedly this function does not bust the cache of this :class:`~.User`'s :attr:`okcupyd.profile.Profile.questions` attribute. That means that a question that HAS been answered could still be answered by this function if this :class:`~.User`'s :attr:`~okcupyd.profile.P:attr:`okcupyd.profile.Profile.questions` was populated previously (This population happens automatically -- See :class:`~okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable` for details about when and how this happens). :param question: The question for which a :class:`~okcupyd.question.UserQuestion` should be retrieved. :type question: :class:`~okcupyd.question.BaseQuestion` :param fast: Don't try to look through the users existing questions to see if arbitrarily answering the question can be avoided. :type fast: bool :param bust_questions_cache: clear the :attr:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile.questions` attribute of this users :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` before looking for an existing answer. Be aware that even this does not eliminate all race conditions. :type bust_questions_cache: bool """ if bust_questions_cache: self.profile.questions() user_question = None if fast else self.profile.find_question( ) if user_question is None: self.questions.respond(, [1], [1], 3) # Give okcupid some time to update. I wish there were a better # way... for _ in range(10): start_time = time.time() user_question = self.profile.find_question(, self.profile.question_fetchable(recent=1) ) if user_question is None: log.debug( "Could not find question with id {0} in " "questions.".format( ) if time.time() - start_time < 1: time.sleep(1) else: break return user_question
[docs] def get_question_answer_id(self, question, fast=False, bust_questions_cache=False): """Get the index of the answer that was given to `question` See the documentation for :meth:`~.get_user_question` for important caveats about the use of this function. :param question: The question whose `answer_id` should be retrieved. :type question: :class:`~okcupyd.question.BaseQuestion` :param fast: Don't try to look through the users existing questions to see if arbitrarily answering the question can be avoided. :type fast: bool :param bust_questions_cache: :param bust_questions_cache: clear the :attr:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile.questions` attribute of this users :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` before looking for an existing answer. Be aware that even this does not eliminate all race conditions. :type bust_questions_cache: bool """ if hasattr(question, 'answer_id'): # Guard to handle incoming user_question. return question.answer_id user_question = self.get_user_question( question, fast=fast, bust_questions_cache=bust_questions_cache ) # Look at recently answered questions return user_question.get_answer_id_for_question(question)
[docs] def quickmatch(self): """Return a :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` obtained by visiting the quickmatch page. """ response = self._session.okc_get('quickmatch', params={'okc_api': 1}) return Profile(self._session, response.json()['sn'])
[docs] def copy(self, profile_or_user): """Create a :class:`~okcupyd.profile_copy.Copy` instance with the provided object as the source and this :class:`~okcupyd.user.User` as the destination. :param profile_or_user: A :class:`~okcupyd.user.User` or :class:`~okcupyd.profile.Profile` object. """ return Copy(profile_or_user, self)
def __repr__(self): return u'User("{0}")'.format(self.profile.username)