Source code for okcupyd.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from json import loads
from lxml import html
from re import search
import logging

import simplejson

from .xpath import xpb
from . import util

    u"′": "'",
    u'″': '"',
    u'“': '"',
    u'”': '"',
    u"’": "'",
    u"—": "-",
    u"–": "-",
    u"…": "...",
    u"🌲": " ",
    u'\u2019': "'",

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MessageInfo = namedtuple('MessageInfo', ('thread_id', 'message_id'))

[docs]class Messager(object): """Send Messages to an okcupid user.""" def __init__(self, session): self._session = session def _get_authcode(self, username): response = self._session.okc_get('profile/{0}'.format(username)) return get_authcode(html.fromstring(response.content))
[docs] def message_request_parameters(self, username, message, thread_id, authcode): return { 'ajax': 1, 'sendmsg': 1, 'r1': username, 'body': message, 'threadid': thread_id, 'authcode': authcode, 'reply': 1 if thread_id else 0, 'from_profile': 1 }
[docs] def send(self, username, message, authcode=None, thread_id=None): authcode = authcode or self._get_authcode(username) params = self.message_request_parameters( username, message, thread_id or 0, authcode ) response = self._session.okc_get('mailbox', params=params) response_dict = response.json(){'message_send_response': response_dict})) return MessageInfo(response_dict.get('threadid'), response_dict['msgid'])
@util.curry def get_js_variable(html_response, variable_name): script_elements = xpb.script.apply_(html_response) html_response = u'\n'.join(script_element.text_content() for script_element in script_elements) return search('var {0} = "(.*?)";'.format(variable_name), html_response).group(1) get_authcode = get_js_variable(variable_name='AUTHCODE') get_username = get_js_variable(variable_name='SCREENNAME') get_id = get_js_variable(variable_name='CURRENTUSERID') get_current_user_id = get_id get_my_username = get_username weekday_to_ordinal = { 'monday': 0, 'tuesday': 1, 'wednesday': 2, 'thursday': 3, 'friday': 4, 'saturday': 5, 'sunday': 6 }
[docs]def parse_fancydate(fancydate_text): _, timestamp = fancydate_text.split('_') timestamp = '{0}.{1}'.format(timestamp[:10], timestamp[10:]) return datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp))
[docs]def parse_date_updated(date_updated_text): recognized = False for function in (parse_slashed_date, parse_abbreviated_date, parse_time, parse_day_of_the_week, parse_contextual_date): parsed_time = function(date_updated_text) if parsed_time is not None: recognized = True break else: parsed_time = log_function = if recognized else log.error log_function(simplejson.dumps({ "matcher_function_name": function.__name__, "incoming_date": date_updated_text, "outgoing_date": parsed_time.strftime("%Y.%m.%d %H:%M"), "recognized": recognized })) return parsed_time
[docs]def parse_contextual_date(date_updated_text): if 'yesterday' in date_updated_text.lower(): return - timedelta(days=1) if 'now' in date_updated_text.lower(): return
[docs]def parse_slashed_date(date_updated_text): try: return datetime.strptime(date_updated_text, '%m/%d/%y') except: pass
[docs]def parse_abbreviated_date(date_updated_text): try: parsed_time = datetime.strptime(date_updated_text, '%b %d') except: pass else: return parsed_time.replace(
[docs]def parse_time(date_updated_text): try: time = datetime.strptime(date_updated_text, '%I:%M%p') except: pass else: today = parsed_time = time.replace(year=today.year,, month=today.month) if parsed_time > parsed_time = parsed_time - timedelta(days=1) return parsed_time
[docs]def parse_day_of_the_week(date_updated_text): try: datetime.strptime(date_updated_text, '%A') except: pass else: return date_from_weekday(date_updated_text)
[docs]def date_from_weekday(weekday): today = incoming_weekday_ordinal = weekday_to_ordinal[weekday.lower()] today_ordinal = today.weekday() difference = (today_ordinal - incoming_weekday_ordinal if today_ordinal > incoming_weekday_ordinal else 7 - incoming_weekday_ordinal + today_ordinal) return datetime.combine(today - timedelta(days=difference), datetime.min.time())
[docs]def datetime_to_string(a_datetime): if a_datetime: return a_datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
[docs]def get_locid(session, location): """ Make a request to locquery resource to translate a string location search into an int locid. Returns ---------- int An int that OKCupid maps to a particular geographical location. """ locid = 0 query_parameters = { 'func': 'query', 'query': location, } loc_query = session.get('', params=query_parameters) p = html.fromstring(loc_query.content.decode('utf8')) js = loads(p.text) if 'results' in js and len(js['results']): locid = js['results'][0]['locid'] return locid
[docs]def format_last_online(last_online): """ Return the upper limit in seconds that a profile may have been online. If last_online is an int, return that int. Otherwise if last_online is a str, convert the string into an int. Returns ---------- int """ if isinstance(last_online, str): if last_online.lower() in ('day', 'today'): last_online_int = 86400 # 3600 * 24 elif last_online.lower() == 'week': last_online_int = 604800 # 3600 * 24 * 7 elif last_online.lower() == 'month': last_online_int = 2678400 # 3600 * 24 * 31 elif last_online.lower() == 'year': last_online_int = 31536000 # 3600 * 365 elif last_online.lower() == 'decade': last_online_int = 315360000 # 3600 * 365 * 10 else: # Defaults any other strings to last hour last_online_int = 3600 else: last_online_int = last_online return last_online_int
[docs]def update_looking_for(profile_tree, looking_for): """ Update looking_for attribute of a Profile. """ div = profile_tree.xpath("//div[@id = 'what_i_want']")[0] looking_for['gentation'] = div.xpath(".//li[@id = 'ajax_gentation']/text()")[0].strip() looking_for['ages'] = replace_chars(div.xpath(".//li[@id = 'ajax_ages']/text()")[0].strip()) looking_for['near'] = div.xpath(".//li[@id = 'ajax_near']/text()")[0].strip() looking_for['single'] = div.xpath(".//li[@id = 'ajax_single']/text()")[0].strip() try: looking_for['seeking'] = div.xpath(".//li[@id = 'ajax_lookingfor']/text()")[0].strip() except: pass
[docs]def update_details(profile_tree, details): """ Update details attribute of a Profile. """ div = profile_tree.xpath("//div[@id = 'profile_details']")[0] for dl in div.iter('dl'): title = dl.find('dt').text item = dl.find('dd') if title == 'Last Online' and item.find('span') is not None: details[title.lower()] = item.find('span').text.strip() elif title.lower() in details and len(item.text): details[title.lower()] = item.text.strip() else: continue details[title.lower()] = replace_chars(details[title.lower()])
gender_to_orientation_to_gentation = { 'm': { 'straight': 'girls who like guys', 'gay': 'guys who like guys', 'bisexual': 'both who like bi guys' }, 'w': { 'straight': 'guys who like girls', 'gay': 'girls who like girls', 'bisexual': 'both who like bi girls' }, 'f': { 'straight': 'guys who like girls', 'gay': 'girls who like girls', 'bisexual': 'both who like bi girls' } }
[docs]def get_default_gentation(gender, orientation): """Return the default gentation for the given gender and orientation.""" gender = gender.lower()[0] orientation = orientation.lower() return gender_to_orientation_to_gentation[gender][orientation]
[docs]def replace_chars(astring): """ Replace certain unicode characters to avoid errors when trying to read various strings. Returns ---------- str """ for k, v in CHAR_REPLACE.items(): astring = astring.replace(k, v) return astring
[docs]def add_newlines(tree): """ Add a newline character to the end of each <br> element. """ for br in tree.xpath("*//br"): br.tail = u"\n" + br.tail if br.tail else u"\n"