Source code for okcupyd.magicnumbers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools
import re

import six

from okcupyd import util
from okcupyd.question import UserQuestion

[docs]class maps(six.with_metaclass(util.GetAttrGetItem)): bodytype = util.IndexedREMap( 'rather not say', 'thin', 'overweight', 'skinny', 'average', 'fit', 'athletic', 'jacked', 'a little extra', 'curvy', 'full figured', 'used up' ) orientation = util.IndexedREMap('straight', 'gay', 'bisexual') smokes = util.IndexedREMap( 'yes', 'sometimes', 'when drinking', 'trying to quit', 'no' ) drugs = util.IndexedREMap('never', 'sometimes', 'often', default=3, offset=0) drinks = util.IndexedREMap('very often', 'often', 'socially', 'rarely', 'desperately', 'not at all') ethnicities = util.IndexedREMap( 'asian', 'middle eastern', 'black', 'native american', 'indian', 'pacific islander', ('hispanic', 'latin'), 'white', 'other' ) job = util.IndexedREMap( 'student', ('art', 'music', 'writing'), ('banking', 'finance'), 'administration', 'technology', 'construction', 'education', ('entertainment', 'media'), 'management', 'hospitality', 'law', 'medicine', 'military', ('politics', 'government'), ('sales', 'marketing'), ('science', 'engineering'), 'transportation', 'unemployed', 'other', 'rather not say', 'retired' ) status = util.IndexedREMap( 'single', 'seeing someone', 'married', 'in an open relationship' ) monogamy = util.IndexedREMap('(:?[^\-]monogamous)|(:?^monogamous)', 'non-monogamous') strictness = util.IndexedREMap('mostly', 'strictly') # Doesn't want kids is index 6 for some reason. has_kids = util.IndexedREMap('has a kid', 'has kids', (), (), (), "doesn't have kids") wants_kids = util.IndexedREMap('might want', 'wants', "doesn't want") education_status = util.IndexedREMap('graduated', 'working', 'dropped out', default=0) education_level = util.IndexedREMap( 'high ?school', 'two[- ]year college', 'university', 'college', 'masters program', 'law school', 'med school', 'ph.d program', 'space camp' ) religion = util.IndexedREMap('agnosticism', 'atheism', 'christianity', 'judaism', 'catholicism', 'islam', 'hinduism', 'buddhism', 'other', default=1, offset=2) seriousness = util.IndexedREMap('very serious', 'somewhat serious', 'not too serious', 'laughing') sign = util.IndexedREMap( 'aquarius', 'pisces', 'aries', 'taurus', 'gemini', 'cancer', 'leo', 'virgo', 'libra', 'scorpio', 'sagittarius', 'capricorn', ) importance = util.IndexedREMap( "doesn't matter", "matters alot", "fun to think about" ) dogs = util.REMap.from_string_pairs( (('dislikes dogs', 3), ('has dogs', 1), ('likes dogs', 2)), default=0 ) cats = util.REMap.from_string_pairs( (('dislikes cats', 3), ('has cats', 1), ('likes cats', 2)), default=0 ) language_level = util.IndexedREMap('fluently', 'okay', 'poorly') diet_strictness = util.IndexedREMap('[Mm]ostly', '[Ss]trictly') diet = util.IndexedREMap('anything', 'vegetarian', 'vegan', 'kosher', 'halal', 'other') income = util.IndexedREMap( 'less than $20,000', '$20,000-$30,000', '$30,000-$40,000', '$40,000-$50,000', '$50,000-$60,000', '$60,000-$70,000', '$70,000-$80,000', '$80,000-$100,000', '$100,000-$150,000', '$150,000-$250,000', '$250,000-$500,000', '$500,000-$1,000,000', 'More than $1,000,000' )
[docs]class MappingUpdater(object): def __init__(self, mapping): self.mapping = mapping def __call__(self, id_name, value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = value.lower() # :/ return {id_name: self.mapping[value]}
[docs]class SimpleFilterBuilder(object): def __init__(self, filter_number, mapping, offset=0): self.filter_number = filter_number self.mapping = mapping
[docs] def get_number(self, values): acc = 0 for value in values: acc += 2 ** int(self.mapping[value]) return acc
[docs] def get_filter(self, values): return '{0},{1}'.format(self.filter_number, self.get_number(values))
__call__ = get_filter
[docs]class filters(six.with_metaclass(util.GetAttrGetItem)): bodytype = SimpleFilterBuilder(30, maps.bodytype) smokes = SimpleFilterBuilder(11, maps.smokes) drinks = SimpleFilterBuilder(12, maps.drinks) drugs = SimpleFilterBuilder(13, maps.drugs) education_level = SimpleFilterBuilder(19, maps.education_level) job = SimpleFilterBuilder(15, maps.job) income = SimpleFilterBuilder(14, maps.income) religion = SimpleFilterBuilder(8, maps.religion) monogamy = SimpleFilterBuilder(73, maps.monogamy) diet = SimpleFilterBuilder(54, sign = SimpleFilterBuilder(21, maps.sign) ethnicities = SimpleFilterBuilder(9, maps.ethnicities) dogs = SimpleFilterBuilder(16, maps.dogs) cats = SimpleFilterBuilder(17, maps.cats)
imperial_re = re.compile(u"([0-9])['′\u2032] ?([0-9][0-1]?)[\"\u2033]", flags=re.UNICODE) metric_re = re.compile(u"([0-2]\.[0-9]{1,2})m") sep_replacements = ('\\', '/', '.', '-', ' ', '$', ',', '(', ')') gentation_to_number = { 'women who like men': '34', 'women': '34', 'men who like women': '17', 'women who like women': '40', 'men who like men': '20', 'men and women who like bi men': '54', 'men and women who like bi women': '57', 'both who like bi men': '54', 'both who like bi women': '57', 'straight women only': '2', 'straight men only': '1', 'gay women only': '8', 'gay men only': '4', 'bi women only': '32', 'bi men only': '16', 'bi men and women': '48', 'everybody': '63', 'girls who like guys': '34', 'guys who like girls': '17', 'girls who like girls': '40', 'guys who like guys': '20', 'guys and girls who like bi guys': '54', 'guys and girls who like bi girls': '57', 'both who like bi guys': '54', 'both who like bi girls': '57', 'straight girls only': '2', 'straight guys only': '1', 'gay girls only': '8', 'gay guys only': '4', 'bi girls only': '32', 'bi guys only': '16', 'bi guys and girls': '48', 'everybody': '63', '': '63' } looking_for_re_numbers = ((re.compile("[Ff]riends"), 1), (re.compile("[Ll]ong.*[Dd]ating"), 2), (re.compile("[Ss]hort.*[Dd]ating"), 3), (re.compile("[Ss]ex"), 6))
[docs]def inches_to_centimeters(inches): return inches * 2.54
[docs]def get_height_filter(height_min=None, height_max=None): min_int = 0 max_int = 99999 if isinstance(height_min, six.string_types): min_int = 100 * parse_height_string(height_min) elif isinstance(height_min, int): min_int = 100 * inches_to_centimeters(height_min) if isinstance(height_max, six.string_types): max_int = 100 * parse_height_string(height_max) elif isinstance(height_max, int): max_int = 100 * inches_to_centimeters(height_max) return '10,{0},{1}'.format(min_int, max_int)
[docs]def parse_height_string(height_string): if not height_string: return 0 match = if match: return int(round(inches_to_centimeters(int( * 12 + int( match = if match: meters = float( centimeters = meters * 100 return int(round(centimeters)) else: raise ValueError("The provided height did not match any of " "the accepted formats.")
[docs]def get_kids_filter(has_kids=(), wants_kids=()): return '18,{0}'.format(get_kids_int(has_kids, wants_kids))
[docs]def get_kids_int(has_kids, wants_kids): has_kids = util.makelist(has_kids or ()) wants_kids = util.makelist(wants_kids) wants_was_unknown = False has_was_unknown = False kids_int = 0 has_kids_ints = [maps.has_kids[matchable] for matchable in has_kids] if len(has_kids_ints) == 0 or sum(has_kids_ints) == 0: has_kids_ints = list(maps.has_kids.values()) + [0] has_was_unknown = True wants_kids_ints = [maps.wants_kids[matchable] for matchable in wants_kids] if len(wants_kids_ints) == 0 or sum(wants_kids_ints) == 0: wants_kids_ints = list(maps.wants_kids.values()) + [0] wants_was_unknown = True wants_kids_ints = [v * 8 for v in wants_kids_ints] kids_int += sum(2 ** (hk_int + wk_int) for hk_int, wk_int in itertools.product(has_kids_ints, wants_kids_ints)) if not (wants_was_unknown or has_was_unknown): # ... Why? Apparently this is needed... kids_int = subtract_has_kids_exponents(kids_int) # This is super crazy and gross. I'm not really sure why they do this. if not wants_was_unknown and has_was_unknown: if 3 in [maps.wants_kids[matchable] for matchable in wants_kids]: kids_int += 48 return kids_int
[docs]def subtract_has_kids_exponents(value): has_kids_values = maps.has_kids.values() for exponent in yield_exponents_of_two(value): if exponent in has_kids_values: value -= exponent return value
[docs]def yield_exponents_of_two(value): power = 0 while value > 0: if value & 0b1: yield power power += 1 value >>= 1
[docs]def get_language_query(language): return '22,{0}'.format(language_map[language.lower()])
hour = 60*60 join_date_string_to_int = { 'hour': hour, 'day': hour*24, 'week': hour*24*7, 'month': hour*24*30, 'year': 365*24*hour }
[docs]def get_join_date_filter(join_date): date_int = 0 if isinstance(join_date, str): if join_date in join_date_string_to_int: date_int = join_date_string_to_int[join_date] else: date_int = int(join_date) return '6,{0}'.format(date_int)
[docs]def get_question_filter(question, question_answers=None): question_id = question if isinstance(question, UserQuestion): question_id = if question_answers is None: question_answers = [ for answer_option in question.answer_options if answer_option.is_match] answers_int = 0 for answer_int in question_answers: answers_int += 2 ** answer_int return '65,{0},{1}'.format(question_id, answers_int)
language_map_2 = { 'afrikaans': 'af', 'albanian': 'sq', 'arabic': 'ar', 'armenian': 'hy', 'basque': 'eu', 'belarusan': 'be', 'bengali': 'bn', 'breton': 'br', 'bulgarian': 'bg', 'catalan': 'ca', 'cebuano': '11', 'chechen': 'ce', 'chinese': 'zh', 'c++': '71', 'croatian': 'hr', 'czech': 'cs', 'danish': 'da', 'dutch': 'nl', 'english': 'en', 'esperanto': 'eo', 'estonian': 'et', 'farsi': '20', 'finnish': 'fi', 'french': 'fr', 'frisian': '23', 'georgian': '24', 'german': 'de', 'greek': 'el', 'gujarati': 'gu', 'ancient greek': '27', 'hawaiian': '28', 'hebrew': 'he', 'hindi': 'hi', 'hungarian': 'hu', 'icelandic': 'is', 'ilongo': '32', 'indonesian': 'id', 'irish': 'ga', 'italian': 'it', 'japanese': 'ja', 'khmer': '37', 'korean': 'ko', 'latin': 'la', 'latvian': 'lv', 'lisp': '72', 'lithuanian': 'lt', 'malay': 'ms', 'maori': 'mi', 'mongolian': 'mn', 'norwegian': 'no', 'occitan': 'oc', 'other': '73', 'persian': 'fa', 'polish': 'pl', 'portuguese': 'pt', 'romanian': 'ro', 'rotuman': '51', 'russian': 'ru', 'sanskrit': 'sa', 'sardinian': '54', 'serbian': 'sr', 'sign language': '1', 'slovak': 'sk', 'slovenian': 'sl', 'spanish': 'es', 'swahili': 'sw', 'swedish': 'sv', 'tagalog': 'tl', 'tamil': 'ta', 'thai': 'th', 'tibetan': 'bo', 'turkish': 'tr', 'ukrainian': 'uk', 'urdu': 'ur', 'vietnamese': 'vi', 'welsh': 'cy', 'yiddish': 'yi' } language_map = { 'afrikaans': '2', 'albanian': '3', 'ancient greek': '27', 'arabic': '4', 'armenian': '76', 'basque': '5', 'belarusan': '6', 'bengali': '7', 'breton': '8', 'bulgarian': '9', 'c++': '71', 'catalan': '10', 'cebuano': '11', 'chechen': '12', 'chinese': '13', 'croatian': '14', 'czech': '15', 'danish': '16', 'dutch': '17', 'english': '74', 'esperanto': '18', 'estonian': '19', 'farsi': '20', 'finnish': '21', 'french': '22', 'frisian': '23', 'georgian': '24', 'german': '25', 'greek': '26', 'gujarati': '77', 'hawaiian': '28', 'hebrew': '29', 'hindi': '75', 'hungarian': '30', 'icelandic': '31', 'ilongo': '32', 'indonesian': '33', 'irish': '34', 'italian': '35', 'japanese': '36', 'khmer': '37', 'korean': '38', 'lisp': '72', 'latin': '39', 'latvian': '40', 'lithuanian': '41', 'malay': '42', 'maori': '43', 'mongolian': '44', 'norwegian': '45', 'occitan': '46', 'other': '73', 'persian': '47', 'polish': '48', 'portuguese': '49', 'romanian': '50', 'rotuman': '51', 'russian': '52', 'sanskrit': '53', 'sardinian': '54', 'serbian': '55', 'sign language': '1', 'slovak': '56', 'slovenian': '57', 'spanish': '58', 'swahili': '59', 'swedish': '60', 'tagalog': '61', 'tamil': '62', 'thai': '63', 'tibetan': '64', 'turkish': '65', 'ukrainian': '66', 'urdu': '67', 'vietnamese': '68', 'welsh': '69', 'yiddish': '70', }