util Package

util Package

class okcupyd.util.cached_property(func)[source]

Bases: object

Descriptor that caches the result of the first call to resolve its contents.


Remove the value that is being stored on obj for this cached_property object.

Parameters:obj – The instance on which to bust the cache.
classmethod bust_caches(obj, excludes=())[source]

Bust the cache for all cached_property objects on obj

Parameters:obj – The instance on which to bust the caches.
classmethod get_cached_properties(obj)[source]
class okcupyd.util.CallableMap(func_value_pairs=())[source]

Bases: object

add(func, value)[source]
class okcupyd.util.REMap(re_value_pairs=(), default=<object object at 0x7f8cbadf5c40>)[source]

Bases: object

A mapping object that matches regular expressions to values.

NO_DEFAULT = <object object at 0x7f8cbadf5c40>
classmethod from_string_pairs(string_value_pairs, **kwargs)[source]

Build an REMap from str, value pairs by applying re.compile to each string and calling the __init__ of REMap

add(re, value)[source]
class okcupyd.util.GetAttrGetItem[source]

Bases: type

okcupyd.util.IndexedREMap(*re_strings, **kwargs)[source]

Build a REMap from the provided regular expression string. Each string will be associated with the index corresponding to its position in the argument list.

  • re_strings – The re_strings that will serve as keys in the map.
  • default – The value to return if none of the regular expressions match
  • offset – The offset at which to start indexing for regular expressions defaults to 1.

compose Module


currying Module


Curry a function or method.

Applying curry to a function creates a callable with the same functionality that can be invoked with an incomplete argument list to create a partial application of the original function.

def greater_than(x, y):
   return x > y

>>> less_than_40 = greater_than(40)
>>> less_than_40(39)
>>> less_than_40(50)

curry allows functions to be partially invoked an arbitary number of times:

def add_5_things(a, b, c, d, e):
    return a + b + c + d + e

# All of the following invocations of add_5_things
>>> add_5_things(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)

one_left = add_5_things(1, 1)(3)(4) # A one place function that will
# add 1 + 1 + 3 + 4 = 9 to whatever is provided as its argument.

>>>> one_left(5)
>>> one_left(6)

A particular compelling use case for curry is the creation of decorators that take optional arguments:

def add_n(function, n=1):
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        return function(*args, **kwargs) + n
    return wrapped

def multiply_plus_twelve(x, y):
    return x * y

def multiply_plus_one(x, y):
    return x * y

>>> multiply_plus_one(1, 1)
>>> multiply_plus_twelve(1, 1)

Notice that we were able to apply add_n regardless of whether or not an optional argument had been supplied earlier.

The version of curry that is available for import has been curried itself. That is, its constructor can be invoked partially:

@curry(evaluation_checker=lambda *args, **kwargs: len(args) > 2)
def args_taking_function(*args):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, args)

>>> args_taking_function(1, 2)
>>> args_taking_function(2)(3)
>>> args_taking_function(2, 2, 2, 2)

fetchable Module

Most of the collection objects that are returned from function invocations in the okcupyd library are instances of Fetchable. In most cases, it is fine to treat these objects as though they are lists because they can be iterated over, sliced and accessed by index, just like lists:

for question in user.profile.questions:

a_random_question = user.profile.questions[2]
for question in questions[2:4]:

However, in some cases, it is important to be aware of the subtle differences between Fetchable objects and python lists. Fetchable construct the elements that they “contain” lazily. In most of its uses in the okcupyd library, this means that http requests can be made to populate Fetchable instances as its elments are requested.

The questions Fetchable that is used in the example above fetches the pages that are used to construct its contents in batches of 10 questions. This means that the actual call to retrieve data is made when iteration starts. If you enable the request logger when you run this code snippet, you get output that illustrates this fact:

2014-10-29 04:25:04 Livien-MacbookAir requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool[82461] DEBUG "GET /profile/ShrewdDrew/questions?leanmode=1&low=11 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
 Kiss someone.
 Both equally
 No, I wouldn't give it as a gift.
 Maybe, I want to know all the important stuff.
 Once or twice a week
 2014-10-29 04:25:04 Livien-MacbookAir requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool[82461] DEBUG "GET /profile/ShrewdDrew/questions?leanmode=1&low=21 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
 Rarely / never
 Discovering your shared interests
 The sun

Some fetchables will continue fetching content for quite a long time. The search fetchable, for example, will fetch content until okcupid runs out of search results. As such, things like:

for profile in user.search():

should be avoided, as they are likely to generate a massive number of requests to okcupid.com.

Another subtlety of the Fetchable class is that its instances cache its contained results. This means that the second iteration over okcupyd.profile.Profile.questions in the example below does not result in any http requests:

for question in user.profile.questions:

for question in user.profile.questions:

It is important to understand that this means that the contents of a Fetchable are not guarenteed to be in sync with okcupid.com the second time they are requested. Calling refresh() will cause the Fetchable to request new data from okcupid.com when its contents are requested. The code snippet that follows prints out all the questions that the logged in user has answered roughly once per hour, including ones that are answered while the program is running.

import time

while True:
    for question in user.profile.questions:

Without the call to user.profile.questions.refresh(), this program would never update the user.profile.questions instance, and thus what would be printed to the screen with each iteration of the for loop.

class okcupyd.util.fetchable.Fetchable(fetcher, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

List-like container object that lazily loads its contained items.

classmethod fetch_marshall(fetcher, processor)[source]
refresh(nice_repr=True, **kwargs)[source]
  • nice_repr (bool) – Append the repr of a list containing the items that have been fetched to this point by the fetcher.
  • kwargs – kwargs that should be passed to the fetcher when its fetch method is called. These are merged with the values provided to the constructor, with the ones provided here taking precedence if there is a conflict.
class okcupyd.util.fetchable.FetchMarshall(fetcher, processor, terminator=None, start_at=1)[source]

Bases: object

static simple_decider(pos, last, text_response)[source]
class okcupyd.util.fetchable.SimpleProcessor(session, object_factory, element_xpath)[source]

Bases: object

Applies object_factory to each element found with element_xpath

Accepts session merely to be consistent with the FetchMarshall interface.

class okcupyd.util.fetchable.PaginationProcessor(object_factory, element_xpb, current_page_xpb, total_page_xpb)[source]

Bases: object

class okcupyd.util.fetchable.GETFetcher(session, path, query_param_builder=<function <lambda> at 0x7f8cb9d17a28>)[source]

Bases: object

fetch(*args, **kwargs)[source]

misc Module

okcupyd.util.misc.enable_logger(log_name, level=10)[source]
okcupyd.util.misc.add_command_line_options(add_argument, use_short_options=True)[source]
  • add_argument – The add_argument method of an ArgParser.
  • use_short_options – Whether or not to add short options.
Parameters:args – The args returned from an ArgParser
okcupyd.util.misc.save_file(filename, data)[source]
okcupyd.util.misc.find_all(a_str, sub)[source]
okcupyd.util.misc.replace_all_case_insensitive(a_str, sub, replacement)[source]